Monday, March 4, 2013

The U.S After WW1
1. Describe the feeling many Americans had after WWI?
Americans were tierd of change, war, arguing, horrible economy, and unemployment
2. What were some reactions by Americans to their post WWI feelings?
They became nativist, and they hated/were afraid of prople from the outside, meaning they werent born in the U.S.(isolationism) They also feared communism.

3. What did the Palmer raids accomplish? Why did Palmer do the raids?
Palmer accomplished political radicals, and he was afraid of communism.

4. What did the KKK fear? Did their membership grow in the 1920's?
The KKK fear of foreign people: Black,Jews, Roman Catholics

The U.S. After WWI Part. II

1. The quota system was a law that established the maximum number of people who could enter the U.S. from foreign country.
2. The quota system was discriminatory to eastern and southern Europe except England.
3. Mexico was not affected by the quota system, did not applied to them.
4. Japan was affected by the quota system and made them angry over the insult because they have kept the Gentlemen's Agreement but were betrayed.

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